Read Sigma publications to stay up to date with the latest research and nursing trends.
Our online magazine provides in-depth coverage of how Sigma members and nurses are shaping world health. Sigma newsletter show you to make the most of your membership with content specific to your needs and interests. Sigma professional nursing journals advance your knowledge with nursing research with free members-only subscriptions.
Take advantage of services, products, and partnerships developed to support you throughout your career.The Virginia Henderson Global Nursing e-Repository provides nurses and nursing students a place to self-archive and disseminate research and evidence-based practice materials. The Sigma Marketplace is your one stop shop for all Sigma products and nursing resources. And more...
Recognize those who have contributed to nursing, and receive recognition for your successes.
Award Nominations acknowledge the achievements and activities of members with international and chapter awards. Sigma and collaborating nursing organizations present research grant opportunities to nurses around the globe to provide leadership and scholarship in practice, education, and research. Honor nonmembers and share your successes with Sigma...
Request financial assistance for your membership dues.
The Edith Anderson Membership Subsidy is used by Sigma to underwrite up to 75 percent of the annual Sigma membership fees of those requiring financial assistance.
Post questions to members who have similar needs and interests.
Interact virtually with chapters and members from around the world through The Circle, Sigma’s online members community and professional networking site. Create networks of members based on location, area of expertise, certifications and more.